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Boost Google Rankings with our Google Reviews Plugin

One of the key parts of seeing your website ranking boosted is by using Google Reviews to collect your business reviews.

None of know exactly how Google's search algorithm works - highly guarded secret and probably too complex for us to understand anyway - but they do tell us what makes a difference. And Reviews is one of them.

Our Reviews Widget

Around a year ago, we engaged with a company that provides us with the flexibility to easily create a page on client websites which not only show Google Reviews via the website but also allow your clients very easily to leave a review.

Many of our clients have taken advantage of this and one in particular, The Mortgage Shop have gathered over 200 Google reviews using this and have seen their Google rankings boosted. Google them and take a look.


The Reviews plugin is available in all of our website packages from Select upwards and even if you don't have a Google My Business page, we will create that for you as part of the set-up.

If you are already a Broadbiz client, just get in touch and we can get this installed on your website. We will just use some of the maintenance time that you have in hand, usually less than an hour so get in touch.

Image representing Boost Google Rankings with our Google Reviews Plugin from Broadbiz Web Services Ltd.