The third, maybe fourth website launch of the week comes in the form of The New Old Bakehouse based at the lower end of Broadstairs High Street.
The Bakehouse has been there in some form for a long time but Maria had taken the business over within the last 12 months and she needed her presence on the web to reflect the changes that she has made to the business.
Google Is Where People Search
We say this a lot, whereas social media tools are amazing are promoting your goods and services, the information is short term. If people are looking for information about your business, Google is where they turn and a website will always appear above a Facebook or Instagram page.
3 Weeks Start To Finish
We met with Maria in last February, grabbed her menu, some wording and some photos and in less than 3 weeks, developed a simple but clean and effective one-page website which tells her local and business customers exactly what they offer.
14-Step Launch Process
For each website launch we also run through our 14-step launch process which does all the checks and submissions needed.
The Costs - £25 + VAT pcm. No Set-Up
To give you an idea of cost, this site is our smallest package, Single and costs £25 + VAT per month with no set-up costs.
If we can help you and / or your business, get in touch on 01843 307060.
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